








Excerpt of the catalogue presentation of Lustrale written by Gloria Vallese, historian of art and curator of CREAM ON MADNESS.

The old San Servolo lore tells of a friar who became mad; he was transferred elsewhere, but asked insistently to be brought back to what, mysteriously, he called "the island of sound". In a small building equipped with Gothic windows and a bell tower, Barbara Taboni has placed an audiovisual installation expressly designed for this intervention of CREAM on the island.
Lustrale (2008) welcomes the visitor who climbs the old stairs asceding to a little lobby, a place opened on all sides to the wind and sea. Here, a video shows sea waves elaborated into an almost abstract rhythm, accompanied by a sound of sea, also revised and turned into a musical background. These two simple environmental elements, chosen and rearranged, accentuate the sensations that the visitor is living since his trip in the lagoon and his contact with the island. Two dummy legs in kneeling position, a minimal sculptural element put next to the Gothic window, create a vague reference to the iconography of the Annunciation, focusing on the issues of ecstasy, voices in the air and mystical revelation.
The abstract and stylized figure of dummies, and the serial replicas, have long been for Barbara Taboni favorite themes: as in a series of plaster casts taken from human feet, all different and individuated, treated as portraits (Standing Feet, 2005). This work is sometimes showed with the video Sacer Movie Feet (2006). It shows feet walking barefoot, and sinking in the white snow (the setting is that of Val Camonica mountain, where the artist was born), highlighted by an audio track based on the sound of crunchy snow; the very sound, the artists assures, of whiteness and stillness.
In Psike 07, on show at Open 10, a series of female dummy busts, cast in plaster, stood on the green grass, giving with their whiteness and regular disposition the vague suggestion of a cemetery. Their whiteness was immediately altered by free interventions made by the public on the figures, by means of the wax color sticks made available next to each figure. In a few hours, the work underwent an intense work of transmutation, accepted by the artist as an integral part of it. In his final appearance, Psike 07 recalled a memorial vandalized by a world from which the sense of memory has disappeared, and which leaves a trace of himself through an act that, however primitive, can still be defined creative if one accepts, and takes literally, the duchampian sentence according to which "sont les spectateurs qui font les tableaux"…

LUSTRALE 2008, installazione audiovisiva, gesso , video,sonoro, endless loop

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