

Anti Lulling Field, hypnotical field of corn poppies larger than life, consists of 1300 red plastic flowers. The aim of this work is to go beyond the usual description of madness, showing how unstable one's relationship with reason and clearness of mind can be. With the approach of the visitor, the flowers in the centre of the little plantation start to sway, producing a feeling similar to the one experienced when one finds himself/ herself in the middle of a high vegetation and perceives some movements in distance, without knowing what caused them. At least for one moment, that unidentifiable entity becomes the cause of an intense and primary fear, which takes us beyond the boundaries of normality. Anti Lulling Field, moreover, allows us to experience a singular game of mirrors: the agent causing the fear (the visitor who releases the movement sensors situated around the corn poppies field), is also the one who experiences its effects.
So may be the case with hallucinations, when we can see things as if they were real, out of us, when they are actually only a product of our mind.

excerpt of the catalogue presentation of Anti Lulling Field written by Gloria Vallese, historian of art and curator of CREAM ON MADNESS.

Anti Lulling Field
plastic, iron, electric devices, sensor, paint
130 x 525 x 525 cm

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